35 research outputs found

    The Internet's unexploited path diversity

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    The connectivity of the Internet at the Autonomous System level is influenced by the network operator policies implemented. These in turn impose a direction to the announcement of address advertisements and, consequently, to the paths that can be used to reach back such destinations. We propose to use directed graphs to properly represent how destinations propagate through the Internet and the number of arc-disjoint paths to quantify this network's path diversity. Moreover, in order to understand the effects that policies have on the connectivity of the Internet, numerical analyses of the resulting directed graphs were conducted. Results demonstrate that, even after policies have been applied, there is still path diversity which the Border Gateway Protocol cannot currently exploit.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Letter

    Development of the Modified Methods to Train a Neural Network to Solve the Task on Recognition of Road Users

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    Розроблено модифікації простого генетичного алгоритму для розпізнавання образів. У запропонованій модифікації Альфа-Бета на етапі відбору особин до нової популяції особини ранжуються за показником пристосованості, далі випадковим чином визначається кількість пар – певна кількість найпристосованіших особин, та стільки ж найменш пристосованих. Найпристосованіші особини формують підмножину B, найменш пристосовані – підмножину W. Обидві підмножини входять в множину пар V. Число особин, що можуть бути обрані в пари, знаходиться в діапазоні 20–60 % від загальної кількості особин. У модифікації Альфа-Бета фіксована в порівнянні з оригінальною версією простого генетичного алгоритму було додано можливість виникнення двох мутацій, додано фіксовану точку схрещення, а також змінено відбір особин для схрещення. Це дозволяє підвищити показник точності у порівнянні з базовою версією простого генетичного алгоритму. У модифікації Фіксована встановлено фіксовану точку схрещення. В схрещенні приймає участь половина генів – гени що відповідають за кількість нейронів на шарах, значення інших генів завжди передаються нащадкам від однієї з особин. Також, на етапі мутації випадковим чином відбуваються мутації з використанням методу Монте-Карло.Розроблені методи програмно реалізовано для вирішення задачі розпізнавання учасників дорожнього руху (автомобілів, велосипедів, пішоходів, мотоциклів, вантажівок). Також було проведено порівняння показників використання модифікацій простого генетичного алгоритму та визначено кращий підхід вирішення задачі розпізнавання учасників дорожнього руху. Було встановлено, що розроблена модифікація Альфа-Бета показала кращі результати у порівнянні з іншими модифікаціями при вирішенні задачі розпізнавання учасників дорожнього руху. При застосуванні розроблених модифікацій отримано наступні показники точності: Альфа-Бета – 96.90 %, Альфа-Бета фіксована – 95.89 %, фіксована – 85.48 %. Крім того, при застосуванні розроблених модифікацій скорочується час підбору параметрів нейромоделі, зокрема при використанні модифікації Альфа-Бета витрачається лише 73,9 % часу базового методу, при використанні модифікації Фіксована – 91,1 % часу базового генетичного метод

    Construction of a Genetic Method to Forecast the Population Health Indicators Based on Neural Network Models

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    A genetic method has been proposed to forecast the health indicators of population based on neural-network models. The fundamental difference of the proposed genetic method from existing analogs is the use of the diploid set of chromosomes in individuals in a population that is evolving. Such modification makes the dependence of the phenotype of the individual on the genotype less deterministic and, ultimately, helps preserve the diversity of the gene pool of the population and the variability of features of the phenotype during the execution of the algorithm. In addition, a modification of the genetic operator of mutations has been proposed. In addition, a modification genetic operator of mutations is proposed. In contrast to the classical method, those individuals that are exposed to the operator of mutations are selected not randomly but according to their mutation resistance corresponding to the value of the function of an individual adaptability. Thus, individuals with worse values of the target function are mutated, and the genome of the strong individuals remains unchanged. In this case, the likelihood of loss of the function reached during the evolution of the extremum due to the action of the mutation operator decreases, and the transition to the new extremum occurs if enough specific weight of the best attributes in the population is accumulated.A comparative analysis of the models synthesized with the help of the developed genetic method has shown that the best results were achieved in the model based on a neural network of long short-term memory. While creating and training the model based on a long short-term network, the ability to use the particle swarm method to optimize the network settings was investigated. The results of our experimental study have shown that the developed model yields the smallest error in predicting the number of new cases of tuberculosis – the average absolute error is 6.139, which is less compared with models that were built by using other methods).The practical application of the developed methods would make it possible to timely adjust the planned treatment and diagnostic, preventive measures, to determine in advance the necessary resources for localization and elimination of diseases in order to maintain people's health

    Photophysical Properties of BADAN Revealed in the Study of GGBP Structural Transitions

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    The fluorescent dye BADAN (6-bromoacetyl-2-dimetylaminonaphtalene) is widely used in various fields of life sciences, however, the photophysical properties of BADAN are not fully understood. The study of the spectral properties of BADAN attached to a number of mutant forms of GGBP, as well as changes in its spectral characteristics during structural changes in proteins, allowed to shed light on the photophysical properties of BADAN. It was shown that spectral properties of BADAN are determined by at least one non-fluorescent and two fluorescent isomers with overlapping absorbing bands. It was found that BADAN fluorescence is determined by the unsolvated “PICT” (planar intramolecular charge transfer state) and solvated “TICT” (twisted intramolecular charge transfer state) excited states. While “TICT” state can be formed both as a result of the “PICT” state solvation and as a result of light absorption by the solvated ground state of the dye. BADAN fluorescence linked to GGBP/H152C apoform is quenched by Trp 183, but this effect is inhibited by glucose intercalation. New details of the changes in the spectral characteristics of BADAN during the unfolding of the protein apo and holoforms have been obtained

    Development of a Genetic Algorithm for Placing Power Supply Sources in a Distributed Electric Network

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    The problem of substantiation of developing complex distribution systems of electric power supply was considered as a hierarchy of problems at the first stage of which the problem of choosing a rational configuration of the power system was solved. A mathematical model of solution of the problem of optimal placement of several power sources in the power supply system and assigning to them consumers using genetic programming algorithms was developed. The proposed methods make it possible to obtain optimal routes of transmission lines connecting consumers with power sources taking into account the terrain restrictions.A modification of a simple genetic algorithm based on which an information system was implemented was developed. This system solves the problem of combinatorial optimization with respect to the choice of optimal location of power sources in a distributed electrical network.Calculation time was estimated depending on the problem parameters. It was shown that the developed algorithm provides minimum computation time for problems of small and medium dimensionality. The results of solution of the problem for a concrete example demonstrate advantage of the genetic approach over the method of full enumeration. The results obtained can be successfully applied to solve the problem of optimizing placement of power sources in a distributed electrical networ